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Summer Tea Recipes: Iced and Cold Brew Oolong Tea

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Cold Oolong Tea Recipes: Iced vs. Cold Brew Methods

In Taiwan, the temperature during the peak of summer usually ranges from 35-40°C. With warm weather persisting from May all the way to October, local residents have found creative and enjoyable ways to stay cool on the lovely subtropical island. 

One of the most popular and refreshing choices is to drink cold oolong tea — a tasty, zero-calorie beverage that everyone loves during the summer.

Even though our summer days in North America aren't as intense as those in Taiwan, Canadians and Americans also love to enjoy cold beverages during the warmer season.

That’s why Chimney & Tea is excited to share how to make cold oolong tea—it's simple, affordable, and healthy. If cold oolong sounds like your cup of tea, let's dive in!

How to Make Cold Oolong Tea at Home

There are two ways to make cold oolong tea: ICED and COLD BREW.

Iced oolong tea in glass vessel and cold brew oolong tea in glass teapot

The main difference between the iced and cold brew methods is the water temperature:

  • The iced method involves brewing oolong with hot water, just like the standard way of brewing tea. Once cooled to room temperature, store tea in the fridge for further cooling.
  • The cold brew method uses lukewarm water to steep the tea, and the tea is immediately stored in the fridge until the tea leaves fully release their flavour.

Easy Recipe: Iced Oolong Tea

iced oolong tea recipe infographic of instructions and tips

The iced oolong tea method is faster compared to the cold brew method. 

The iced method essentially involves cooling down a pot of hot brew tea until it reaches the desired temperature.

Ingredients & Preparation

Water pouring into teapot while brewing iced oolong tea

Here is what you need for brewing Iced Oolong Tea:

  1. 9 grams Oolong tea leaves OR 1-2 *Oolong tea bags (alternative to tea leaves)
  2. 1 Ceramic teapot
  3. 450 ml Boiled spring or tap water

Total Preparation Time: 3-4 hours

Brewing Instructions

Hand pouring glass vessel of iced oolong tea into drinking glass with strainer

Here is a step-by-step guide on brewing Iced Oolong Tea:

  1. Add tea leaves (bag) and boiled water to the teapot
  2. Steep the tea for 3-5 mins: Steep the tea longer than we would normally brew hot oolong tea because cold temperature reduces our perception of taste. Increasing the steep time when making cold oolong tea will allow for the flavour to be stronger.
  3. Remove the tea leaves from the teapot: Removing the tea leaves from the teapot helps to avoid the tea turning bitter as a result of over-steeping.
  4. After the tea has cooled down to room temperature, store the teapot in the fridge for another 2-3 hours until it reaches the desired temperature.
Metal tongs removing tea leaves from iced oolong tea brewing teapot

Simple Recipe: Cold Brew Oolong Tea

infographic on cold brew oolong tea recipe with ingredients and instructions

The cold brew oolong tea method uses lukewarm water and allows the tea leaves to release their flavour over an extended period in the fridge. 

High-temperature water enables tea leaves to release their essence in just a few minutes or even seconds. 

With the cold brew method, time replaces high temperature, taking about 6-8 hours for the tea to brew at a low temperature.

Ingredients & Preparation

Hand holding a glass cup of cold brew oolong tea

Here is what you need for making Cold Brew Oolong Tea:

  1. 9 grams Oolong tea leaves OR 1-2 *Oolong tea bags (alternative to tea leaves)
  2. 1 Ceramic teapot
  3. 450 ml Lukewarm spring or tap water
  4. Total Preparation Time: 6-8 hours

Brewing Instructions

Hand pouring lukewarm water into cold brew oolong tea leaves in glass vessel

Here is a step-by-step guide on making Cold Brew Oolong Tea:

  1. Add tea leaves (bag) and water to the teapot
  2. Store the teapot in the fridge for 6-8 hours

Pro Tips from Oolong Tea Experts

Prepare with Patience

Clock hanging on wall for tea brewing time

Whether you’re using the iced or cold brew method, the key is to allow time for the tea to cool down

We suggest making a pot of tea using either method the night before bed. A fresh pot of delicious cold oolong tea will be ready for you the next day.

Avoid Ice Cubes

Stacks of ice cubes

As tempting as it is to just add ice cubes to the tea, we suggest avoiding doing this as it dilutes the tea flavour. 

Avoiding the use of ice cubes when making your cold oolong can help to maximize the natural flavours and aromas that come from high-quality oolong tea

This is the same logic as to why we typically don’t add ice to achieve cold wine. Instead, wine bottles are generally chilled in an ice bucket or placed in the fridge to cool down over time.

Bonus tip: If you are using a tea brewing vessel without a lid, use a small piece of plastic wrap to cover the opening so that the food smell in the fridge doesn’t interfere with the cold brew. 

Re-steeping Tea Leaves

When making Iced Oolong Tea, the same batch of tea leaves can be re-steeped and made into another pot.

Sweet Iced Tea: Sweetener Recommendations

Honeycomb square on plate beside flower garnishing

Oolong is typically enjoyed without additional sweeteners

However, if you prefer your cold teas sweetened, you may wish to follow the brewing guides above, and then add in a simple syrup or a dash of honey upon serving. This ensures that the sweetener dissolves evenly and enhances the tea's flavour without overpowering it.

Iced vs. Cold Brew Oolong Tea

infographic on similarities and differences between iced vs. cold brew oolong tea

You may be wondering about other differences between iced and cold brew oolong, aside from just the water temperature used in their preparation. 

While both drinks are refreshing and enjoyable, there are unique elements that set them apart. Understanding these distinctions can enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of both iced and cold brew oolong tea.


Although it takes a few more steps to make cold oolong tea with the ice method, it takes less time compared to the cold brew method.


Both iced and cold brew oolong tea are sweet. However, iced oolong tea has a richer and more complex taste as it cools down after the tea substances have been released into the water.


Iced oolong tea has more caffeine compared to cold brew oolong tea, as caffeine needs hot water to be released from the tea leaves into the water.


Oolong tea is rich in antioxidants, which are nutrients that help to protect the body against damage from aging and the environment

Iced oolong tea has more antioxidants compared to cold brew oolong tea, as it also needs hot water to be released from the tea leaves into the water.

Whether you prefer the crisp, refreshing taste of iced oolong tea or the smooth, mellow flavors of cold brew oolong tea, having a deeper knowledge of these differences can enrich your overall tea-drinking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

infographic on frequently asked questions about making iced vs. cold brew oolong tea

Can I Use Any Type of Oolong Tea?

Yes, you can use any type of oolong tea for both the iced and cold brew methods. However, using high-quality Alishan High Mountain oolong tea will yield a richer and more flavourful brew.

How Long Can Cold Oolong Tea Be Stored?

Just like cooked food stored in the fridge, cold oolong tea can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days

Make sure to keep the lid covered or the opening sealed to maintain its freshness and flavour.

Is Oolong Tea Still Effective When Cold?

Yes, cold tea remains effective and retains beneficial properties. 

There may be instances where cold tea could contain more antioxidants than hot tea because heat can degrade antioxidants. However, heat also accelerates the release of antioxidants from tea leaves into the hot water. Therefore, when hot tea is consumed immediately (before antioxidants succumb to the heat), it contains similar antioxidant contents compared to cold tea.

Beat the Heat with Refreshing Cold Oolong Tea

Hands holding iced and cold brew oolong tea glasses clicking

No matter which method you choose—iced or cold brew—both are simple ways to enjoy delicious and refreshing cold oolong tea during the summer. 

Interested in learning more about brewing hot oolong tea? Read "How to Brew Oolong Tea: Step-by-Step Guide" to learn how to brew the perfect cup of oolong tea. 

We hope you have found these recipes useful. Try Chimney & Tea’s premium oolong tea today and experience the difference for yourself. Enjoy!